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The ECOPROPHET project is a scientific research initiative that aims at improving simulations of ecosystem productivity by using new Earth Observation (EO) products from different platforms (e.g. ESA Sentinel 2, Proba-V, MODIS, GOME).
The specific scientific objectives of this project are:
- to identify the best photosynthesis-related RS indicator(s) for representing functional ecosystem phenology;µ
- by reparameterizing the phenology modules of two Land Surface models (LSMs; ORCHIDEE and SURFEX), and prescribing different phenology for a third (LSA-SAF), we aim to provide a better estimation of GPP and energy balance;
- to explore the potential of the new RS indicator(s) for deriving a new GPP product; and
- to develop a new biomass production algorithm.
All products and simulations will be validated against field data available from several databases (ICOS, FLUXNET, SPECNET and the in-house biomass production database) and compared to other products available from different projects. A specific working package on validation will be set-up.